City of West Sacramento
Home MenuHomeownership Programs
Inclusionary Housing Program
The inclusionary housing program creates homeownership opportunities for low-income households by requiring developers to provide affordable homes in each new residential project. If you are interested in purchasing an affordable home, the first step is to apply to the City for verification of your household income. You can download the application form required for income verification at the link below. The current income limits used to qualify applicants for the inclusionary housing program are available on this form. This document also contains important information for homebuyers regarding the occupancy and re-sale restrictions of owning an affordable home, including "Frequently Asked Questions" about the program. Fill out and return the application form along with the required income documentation. Also, read the information guide and keep it for your reference. After about 1-2 weeks you will receive a letter from the City stating the income level of your household. You may then take this letter to the sales offices of projects in West Sacramento with affordable homes for sale (if any) or the owner of an existing inclusionary home for resale. A list of current inclusionary housing projects is also available below.
The following unit is available for resale:
Address: 2497 Huckleberry Circle, West Sacramento, CA 95691
Realtor Contact:
Zafar Haider
T (916)600-2340 O (916)395-4450
The application and information guide can be found below:
Application and Information Guide
CalHFA Announces New Program for Current or Future Homeowners
The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) is introducing the Forgivable Equity Builder Loan, which helps homebuyers with a loan of up to 10 percent of the purchase price. If the homebuyer stays in the home for five years, they do not have to repay the junior loan, making homeownership more attainable for Californians.
The loan is available to Californians whose income is less than 80% of the Area Median Income in the county where the property is located. For instance, in Sacramento a family can make up to $72,700 and qualify for the loan.
The Forgivable Equity Builder Loan is available through CalHFA’s network of approved lenders, which operates in every California county. Families who think they may qualify are encouraged to contact a Preferred Loan Officer to take the first steps towards homeownership.
Homebuyer Assistance Program
This program is not currently active.